2008 update!
Okay, I confess, this blog has been long neglected! Since it was created in 2006 I've been busy. Travelling and film-making: Colombia, Japan, Pakistan, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Australia, Panama, Morocco, Peru, USA, France, Norway, Finland, and most recently Russia.
you might have seen me dispensing pearls of wisdom in a PBS Nature Special 'What Women Want' (like I'm an expert in Black Magic!), which aired in the USA April 2008.
Going backwards:
2007 saw some adventures to one
of the remotest corners of the Amazon
(Peru & Columbia) to film rare monkeys and birds.
... spent the winter of 2006/07 deep in the Hindu Kush Himalaya on the Afghanistan/Pakistan border making a snow leopard film with the BBC. 'Snow Leopard: Beyond the Myth' just won 'Best of Festival' at the Missoula Wildlife Festival 2008!

2006 saw us neck deep in bat shit for the epic BBC/Discovery series 'Planet Earth'. Promised I've washed since then.
And 2008 brings me to my current gig as a Director on 'Frozen Planet'. A new BBC series aiming to be the ultimate portrayal of the Polar Regions. Polar bears and penguins here we come!
In fact, I just got back from the Russian Arctic where I was scuba diving under ice with beluga whales. About as much fun as you could ever have in iced water.
Look out for another update in ... hmmm .... 2012?!
Love and wishes,
Oh typical, a blog I was actually looking forward to reading updates on and I now it seems I have to wait for biannual installments! ;)
Hi, Chad, I live in Brazil, and I watched your series about gelada monkeys on National Geographic, dude! Awesome! You're such a lucky, lucky guy, and I wonder how deep and special is this experience, be with so fascinating animals... I wish you a loooong and healthy life, full of good surprises! You rock, dude! ^_^/
It was by accident,I show your series about gelada monkeys on National Geographic and for the first time I was not bored watching. I like the way you delivered your story and it's amazing that your spend most of your time with the geladas.I admired your passion about your research. Hope to see more amazing stories from you...=>
Hi Chad!
I'm a portuguese girl, and I first saw you on National Geographic. You're such a lucky guy! I love your "job". :)
Kiss *
I am you on your blog but also to television, I am one of your fans, I live in France and I will soon leave for New Zealand to be little work with lionman a day and I hope to meet you because when I would have more experiences I do the same thing you!
thank you for everything you taught me ...
Hi Chad
I love watch you on National Geographic series about gelada baboons. I also saw you a few times on series about conservation.
I love your job, i think its amazing what you do and how you do it. Keep up the good work and dont forget to update the blog more offen ;)
Patrícia from Portugal
I am working at Michael Hoff Production on a show for Animal Planet. I was directed to your blog from a colleague and wanted to go further and touch base with you to learn more about what you do and see if we could work together. Could you please contact me at your convenience. My email is: Bwalton@mhptv.com.
Thanks so much,
Barry Walton
Field Producer
Hi chad! je suis francaise et pas très habile en anglais. Je ne suis pas photographe ni reporter ni journaliste mais j'aime les animaux ,la nature et la photo donc je me permets de te dire que ce que tu fais est génial et que j'admire ça. Tu es une sorte de modèle. Longue vie...
I was deeply impressed with you and all the crew who climbed the mountain of bat shit.
BTW it's talk like a pirate day.
Hey Chadden,
It was fun meeting you in McMurdo and flying you to the penguin colony at Cape Washington. Everyone marvels at the pictures you guys took of the Emperors.
I am still very interested in what is going to become of all that footage so don't forget about me okay?
Thanks Chadden,
Lindsey H.
Mr. Hunter--you may be interested to learn that your remarkable photo of 25 wolves strung along a trail in Wood Buffalo Park is now being circulated as a fear-mongering tactic by anti-wolf activists in Idaho. Captions claim the photo was taken near Weippe. Not sure it can be tracked to any single offender, but it ought to be legally actionable.
Does anyone know where I may purchase a DVD/CD of 'CLIFFHANGERS', THE SERIES of the Geladas Baboons/Monkeys, I am desperate to get my hands on this
Thank you
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