Chadden is currently full time with the BBC Natural History Unit, but always happy to help other individuals and productions if he can. He brings over 10 years experience in wildlife and natural history filmmaking, often in remote and challenging environments, and 15 years of biological studies and research. And knows a bit about a monkey or two.

Series Producer for NGCI (Cliffhangers). Producer on Animal Planet series (Ms Adventure). Skilled Director on numerous challenging field based film projects. Organized complicated shoot logistics and responsible for staff and budgets of over $300,000. Dedicated to team success, able to handle responsibility, perform under pressure, think laterally, maintain morale, generate new ideas and see the ‘big picture’.
Directed and shot films shown on National Geographic Channel, Animal Planet and BBC. Shot footage on various formats and camera systems throughout Africa, Asia and the Americas. Still photography for BBC, National Geographic, ABC, newspaper and books. Camerawork includes HD (Vericams), Digi-beta, DVCAM, assistance to 35mm, time-lapse and Super 16mm cameras. Experience with Cable- and track dollys, jib arms, camera traps, remote cameras and aerials.
Wildlife Biologist / Scientific Consultant
World expert on Gelada Baboons (Theropithecus gelada). Rigorous scientist with a PhD in sexual selection and animal behavior. Able to self-motivate and maintain focus under extreme field conditions. Masters in bowerbird sexual selection. 4 years experience in marine biology, including extensive scuba diving research projects. Provided skilled insight into wildlife, history and anthropology for a range of professional media bodies. Flexible in adapting to a wide variety of audiences and media requirements.
Author of internationally published scientific papers, popular magazine articles, book chapters, documentary film scripts, web-site content and photo-captions. Able to write for TV, the Press or Academia in a wide range of voices and communicate complex ideas clearly to the layperson.
Presenter/HostHost for National Geographic and BBC series, PBS Specials presenter of films for VOX channel, Germany and 60 Minutes. Natural and engaging presenter in the role of expert, adventurer or adaptable host. Comfortable in interviews on TV or radio, seminar speaking, following set scripts or ad-libbing. Can impart energy, humour or sincerity in getting a clear message across.
National Geographic Society
2006 - Hunter & Hunted: Kidnapped (NG Television & Film)
2005 - ‘Cliffhangers’ gelada baboons (NGCI 3 x 1hr)
2004 - Taboo (Series 3) NG Channel
2003 - Camera assistant to Michael Nichols (NGM Staff Photographer)
2002-2003 -
2001-2002 - ‘Kings of the Hill’ NG Magazine (Nov. 2002 issue)
2001 - Gelada ‘Explorer’ NGT & F pitch
BBC Natural History Unit
2008 - Frozen Planet (Director)
2007 - LIFE: Primates, Birds (Director)
2007 - Natural World – Snow Leopards: Beyond the Myth (Camera)
2006 - Planet Earth – Caves (Borneo)
2005 - Planet Earth – Mountains (Glaciers, Alps, Ethiopia)
2004 - Planet Earth – Deserts (Sahara)
2002-2003 - Nile: In Search of the Flood
2001-2002 - Life of Mammals (Sir David Attenborough)
2002 - ‘Cousins’ (Charlotte Uhlenbroek)
2001 - Wild Africa – Mountains & Coasts
1998 - Gelada Baboon Diaries
Other Film & Television Experience
2007 - PBS ‘Nature’ Special: What Women Want
2007 - 60 Minutes ‘Monkeys in the Mist'. Climate change in Africa
2006 - BBC Radio 4- Planet Earth Under Threat
2006 - ‘Ms Adventure’ Animal Planet/Discovery 13 x 1hr (Producer, writer)
2003 - Tierzeit, Prime-time VOX,
2003 - Ethiopian Television, Radio and newspapers Interview guest on TV talk shows, radio, newspapers and magazines as public figure promoting conservation causes within Ethiopia
1999 - Triumphs of Life, Green Umbrella, Discovery
1997 - Battles of Braveheart, Green Umbrella Productions
1997-2001 - Resident Biological Expert Simien Mountains National Park, Ethiopia
1997-2001 - Visiting Researcher Addis Ababa University, Biology Department. Supervisor of 3 Masters students
1993-1995 - Research Assistant to Coral Reef marine biology research projects involving scuba diving, Great Barrier Reef, QLD, Australia
1994-1995 - Teaching Assistant Tutor for undergraduate field and laboratory courses; zoology, botany, marine biology, ecology, parasitology, evolution
1992 - Researcher Marine Turtle Rookery, Mon Repot, QLD, Australia
2007 - International Primates Protection League: The Gelada Monkeys of Ethiopa
2006 - Planet Earth: The Future Chief contributor to chapters: ‘The Threat and the Threatened’, ‘Growing Population on a Limited earth’, ‘Wilderness and Climate Change’, Where has Environmentalism gone Wrong’.
2006 - Melbourne Age Magazine article ‘Expats’.
2000 - ‘Braveheart on the Edge’ BBC Wildlife Magazine, feature article. September issue.
1997 - Hunter & Dwyer. (1997). The value of objects to satin bowerbirds (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus)
Emu Journal of Ornithology 97(3) : 200-206.
1996 – 2001- PhD. University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK. Thesis Title: ‘Ecological Determinants of Gelada Ranging Patterns (Theropithecus gelada)’
1994 – 1995 - Honors (First Class) University of Queensland, QLD, Australia. Thesis Title: ‘Behavioral Ecology of Satin Bowerbirds (Ptilonorynchus violaceus)’
1991 – 1993 - BSc. Zoology Department. University of Queensland, QLD, Australia
· Competent Amharic (Ethiopian) Language
· Advanced Open Water PADI Scuba Diver, Specialities: Dry-suit and Ice-Diver
· Full (clean) international Drivers License
· Knowledge of first aid, rope safety work, standard safety practices on boats, mountains, caves, glaciers
· Sponsored by Canon, Oakley, Mountain Hardware, Black Diamond
· 2005 Recipient Michael Brinkman fellowship endowment award from the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival
REFERENCES available upon request